Monday, October 10, 2011


Had a great weekend despite the crummy weather & so far the week is off to a good start. Friday night we hosted a "tournament" of Beer Pong (I know, how sophisticated) & had a great time. Saturday, following Mia's soccer game we had plans to meet some friends & go to a nearby pumpkin patch. However the weather ended up taking a turn for the worst immediately following the game (they won 4-1 by the way:) so we made a joint decision to spend the rainy day in - at our friends house & sipped on cocktails throughout the day while the kids enjoyed arts & crafts. It was fun & relaxing, but I screwed up royally on my 30 day challenge. In all fairness, it was day 13 so I'm blaming it on the unlucky factor. My girlfriend made some mini spice loafs with dollops of cream cheese, plus we grazed on Bbq & various random snacks throughout the day. Oopsie!

Yesterday was better. I didn't fit in a cardio workout like I had hoped, but I did eat considerably better than Saturday. I'm off to a good start for the week & hope to fit in a minimum of 3 workouts before the week end.

My quote of the day came from my 5 year old that is learning about different parts of the body in Kindergarten and fell & bumped her head. She said: Mommy, I fell & hit my brain stem. Hmmm...

Goodnight y'all!

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