Friday, September 30, 2011


I'm so glad the weekend has officially begun. It has been a typically hectic week & I have a beer in the sun room mini fridge calling my name. I actually picked out Bud Light Lime for the first time & am excited to try it. Yep, that's what my weekends have been reduced to...a night in with the highlight being a new beer to sample. I would not change one thing about my life though, not one! If someone showed up at my door with a time machine and offered me a million dollars to step in and go back to my twenties, I would tell them a giant "thanks, but no thanks". I may be getting older, have a few laugh lines starting to show, have traded my nights out on the town for nights in with Crayola and Barbie, but I can honestly say I wouldn't have it any other way. I LOVE my life, I LOVE my husband & I LOVE my girls! The only thing I don't love is my body weight.

With that said, I am on day 5 of my 30 day challenge and other than the Bud Light Lime calling my name, I have done really well with the calorie intake! I am DONE for the day so I won't be fitting in a work out (other than my arm muscles as I raise my drink), but I will be running at least 30 minutes tomorrow!

The thought for the day: Laziness should be considered a disease. It not only affects you, but everyone around you. I have zero tolerance for capable people that want handouts & expect others to do for them. Get off you a$$ & do it yourself! You will not only be appreciated by others for stepping up, but you can then appreciate yourself.

On that note, I'm off to the back deck to be lazy, relax & enjoy a beer with my hubbs. Goodnight y'all!

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